Wednesday 30 September 2009

Concept suggestions

The other concept idea which was suggested to me was inventions that were never actually created. Leonardo da Vinci being a good example. Maybe taking his top 10 inventions and creating the CG to display them in a museum environment.

Leonardo's design for a flying machine

This design got me thinking about the Wright brother's successful experiment for flight and thought about maybe creating a simulator. Unfortunately as I checked up on it, it's already been done, how inconsiderate.

Leonardo's Helicopter

Throughout looking at Leonardo Da Vinci's work, although some were never created there have been model's created which instantly put me off the idea of involving him in my concept. It did however get me thinking of using other artists. While at work last night I started dilly-daydreaming about Michaelangelo, genius that he was. How fun would it be to be a fly (I'm sensing a theme with flight here), happily buzzing away in the Sistine Chapel but instead of the 2d painiting on the ceiling I'm merrily flying around a 3d version of that famous ceiling. Am I making sense? Probably not.

Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel

I'm getting tht familiar advice replaying in my head - "is there a need to see it as CG?" Erm well no, it would be great fun to do though. Ok that's out as well then. Step away from the artists and get back to the inventions or delve further into flight perhaps

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